North-Kivu, Goma - DRC
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To keep disseminating and perpetuating this historic path for Africa, UNCACED has chartered to adopt, observe and celebrating an African International Economic Day throughout UNCACED Communities and throughout the Continental Africa. The UNCACED Founding Charters has proposed the said day to be agreed for 14th Day of every April Month as referred to the UNCACED Founding Day, the now considered as the memorial day of the New Modern African Economic Revolution Momentum. At each commemoration of this day, the UNCACED communities shall deal with matters pertaining to achieved progress and reached milestones in the fields of economy, society, science, culture, environment, education, cooperation, governance and development; as well as subsequent and future initiatives, commitments and determinations towards a more economically powerful, dynamic and integrated Continental Africa. African International Economic Days and Weeks will be occasions for UNCACED to more judiciously informing global public on issues of its concern for Africa, while mobilizing the will, engagement and political and collective power to strengthen mutual and humanistic ways towards the UNCACED Goals and Expectations for Africa.