UNCACED is conceived as a highly professionalized federal organization entrusted with the supreme leadership and central governance of a set of auxiliary agencies and technical institutions through which it’ll be operating throughout its mission and career for Africa. Destined to policy, analytical and technical work, the following institutions are temporarily adopted to progressively operate as the UNCACED’s subsidiary specialized agencies tasked with impelling goals and special missions as well complementary cooperating programs towards the powerful economic Africa:
UNCAIDA: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for International Development Agency UNCASCIED: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Sciences, Education and Development Agency - UNCASFANO: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Sustainability - UNCASTIID: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Sciences, Tech Innovations and Industrial Development - UNCAITA: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Cooperation and International Trade Agency - UNCACES: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Climate and Earth Sustainability Agency - UNCACCC: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Culture, Citizenship and Civility Agency - UNCALGDE: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Governance, Leadership and Democratic Economies - UNCAIA: The United Nations and Communities of Africa Advisory Agency for Strategic Investments - UNCAIEM: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for International Economic Migrations Agency - UNCAFIDA: The United Nations and Communities of Africa Fund for International Development Aid - UNCARIUD: The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Urban Revolution and Infrastructure Development - UNCACED F. BANK : The Federal Bank of The United Nations and Communities of Africa for Continental Economy and Development.
The seals, visibilities and operating policies and procedures of the subsidiary agencies and specialized institutions are hold under the umbrella and policy leadership of the UNCACED’s Board of Trustees.